Hey my peoples! I took a short break to finish up some much needed spring cleaning. But have no fear--I'm back! And I'm back with a tutorial on how to work with Glitter Heat Transfer Vinyl (HTV). Materials Design Weeding Tools (if applicable) Glitter HTV Shirt Vinyl Cutter (I use the Silhouette Cameo) Marking Pen (optional) Parchment Paper or Pressing Cloth Tile or hard pressing surface 1. Cut out your design. (Skip this step if you purchased one pre-cut). Two tips on this step if you're cutting out your design: Remember to mirror your design in the software. DON'T cut your glitter HTV with the glittery side up!! It will come out backwards! So unless you plan on reading your shirt in the mirror... These two steps are essential. The adhesive is on the back side of the vinyl and a protective, clear plastic is on the front. You don't want to cut through that sheet of...
Petite girl learning to draft patterns and build her custom wardrobe.