I have a pretty great hubby dubs. He built this cabinet for me. Doesn't it look great! It give the closet a fantastic built in look and provides a bunch of storage for my bulky fabrics. The top drawer is shorter than the bottom two, making it perfect for all those sewing notions that I need, but don't use often. Like elastic and Velcro. The wheels lock so I can open the drawers without pulling the cabinet halfway across the room. I just love it. He built it in the same style as our nightstands. In my head this provides continuity in our house. I don't know that anyone else really cares about that. Oo la la! I can slide it out from under the desk so I still have that workspace and can access my fabric storage in the wings of the closet. But, wait... SHAZAAM! That, my friends, is a drop leaf extension. I wanted a drop leaf in the closet but unfortunately it just wouldn't work out. We talked through a bazillion plans ...
Petite girl learning to draft patterns and build her custom wardrobe.