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Soul Searching

Yes, I do still exist.  And I'm about to open up and share some things about myself with you and maybe help someone else in the process.

I've been kind of lost lately and not real sure what I want to do with this whole sewing/craft business and blog thing.  Two things have been working against, but ultimately for me.  1. I've been listening to entrepreneur podcasts to help keep me motivated, give me direction, and learn how to market my product.  2. I have a wide variety of interests and several skill sets that I want to develop.  Why are these two things working against me?  The entrepreneur advisers all advise on working on one item.  One.  I'm all over the map right now.  I'm doing home projects/décor, small craft projects, sewing, embroidery... everything. I feel like I'm doing everything. And because of that, I'm doing nothing.  Why?  I'm a big introvert and get overwhelmed easily. That overwhelm leads to paralyzing anxiety.  I have tons of ideas racing through my head but can't start because I'm too absorbed in wondering if that's the best project to do next.  Ultimately, it doesn't really matter what it is, as long as I'm doing something.  Just publish some content, Summer. 

I had a revelation this weekend.  I love fashion. I've always wanted to be involved in it somehow and my dreams/goals in my business life have always had that as the end goal.  I started the smaller craft projects to try and hone in on my sewing skills - I'm self taught and have a lot of room for improvement.  But why waste time on those little projects that I really don't care about?  Because I'm scared of tackling a big project and failing.  There it is, people: I'm scared to fail so I don't try.  How many people are guilty of that?  One thing I admire about my husband is that he just goes for it.  He's building our dining table right now.  This is a massive, major project and he's learning all kinds of techniques that he's never tried before.  It will be disastrous (and many times expensive) if he screws up on something.  But he doesn't let that stop him.  He learns from his mistakes and carries on.  I can't tell you how many bowls and beautiful pieces of wood he's broken and ruined on his lathe because he makes a boneheaded (his words) mistake and the thing goes flying across the garage. 

But back to fashion.  I'm going to redirect and start focusing my posts on fashion - clothes, accessories, trend, etc..  It'll include my sewing and embroidery projects, and also my inspiration.  I'll throw in some style tips and ideas.  Now I'm going to be upfront with you, I'm a petite person so a lot of it will be geared towards that.  It's what I know and a big reason of why I want to make my own clothes.  I mean, while I can shop in the little girls' section, it doesn't mean I want to.  And if I'm going to have to alter the clothes I buy in the store, I might as well make them from scratch. However, I'm going to be aware of that and try to incorporate some styles for tall, curvy and regular ladies.

I will still do some of these crafty projects from time to time and blog about them, but it's not going to be my focus and I'll share the content on a secondary page of the blog.

It feels good to get that off my chest.  Now, time to get back to that wingback chair.  I need my sewing space back.

Have a great 4th!!

If you're looking for some business geared podcasts to listen to, I recommend Christy Wright's Business Boutique and Tom Woods' Happy Earner.  Christy Wright is affiliated with Dave Ramsey and geared towards helping and encouraging women to start their own business, overcoming the obstacles that are common to us emotionally and mentally.  Be warned: she does have a Christian slant.  If that's not your thing, try to move past it because she has some great advice.  Tom Woods repeatedly reminds the listeners that you don't have to have a business degree or come from a wealthy family to start your own successful business.  He gives tips on how to create steady streams of income, including affiliate marketing, publishing books, and blogging.  He has a Libertarian slant.  He's also entertaining. 


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