I think I've reached the point in the project where I feel like I'm never going to finish. I will, of course, but it seems to be taking forever. Good news, though: I got the desk installed! Ain't she a beaut? My first set of measurements was so good that the desk didn't fit because there wasn't enough slack to maneuver the table top in. So we had to shave some of the excess off. This time I was a weeny about using the circular saw so the hubs took care of it. The table top is 3/4" plywood, which isn't very pretty, so I capped it off with a small piece of wood. Used some wood glue and held it in place with tape while the glue dried. The tape did double duty because it also applied pressure to help seal everything together. Full shot of the front. It's inset by a couple of inches to allow room for the drop leaf when the door is closed. After that, I made my measurements again and cut and installed the cove mo...
Petite girl learning to draft patterns and build her custom wardrobe.